Our website is meant to create a spiritual community in support of Shri Babaji's Teachings and to provide guidelines in how to put these principles into action in everyday life, the way that Shri Babaji has taught us. Please join us to deepen and empower your own spiritual path based on Truth, Simplicity, Love and Service. Your support is greatly appreciated.
From Babaji:
"Babaji is free. I am always here for you, for free. No charge. My blessings are free. Miracle healings are free. Jesus is free. Buddha is free. The church is not free. The temple is not free. The Ashram is not free. Food is not free. Shelter is not free. Clothing is not free. To complain about donating some service or a small amount of money to the ashram is a message to yourself that the Lower Self prevails. Know this, the Low Path will only lead to misery and despair."